Five ways to lead:
Create Safety
No judgement zone and truly listen. Open transparency fosters an open communication culture.
Integrating information from other sources to evaluate alternatives and make effective decisions.
Work Together
Cocreate, Trust, Communicate, Be Open
Encourage collaboration and serve your team by empowering them to think the unthinkable.
Claim Value
Know what you stand for
Have non negotiables
Own Your Impact
Personal accountability, own your action, be self-aware
Bring energy to the room, do not drain energy from the room
Dare Not to Know
Remember you are human. You are vulnerable. You don’t know it all.
Manage your brand not your appearance.
All leaders have followers: Look at some key behaviors that show strong leadership and ask yourself what type of shadow am I casting?
Make emotional connections
Set Stretch Goals
Set A Clear Vision
Communicate clearly and often
Continuously Innovate
Collaborative internally and externally
Take initiative; lead the pack
Professionally Develop others
Here are a few ways to ensure that your team isn’t demotivated nor suffering from the Great Resignation theory.
Create and maintain a consistent positive culture, one that isn’t toxic.
Recognize employees and ensure job security
Promote work life integration. Aligning your career and personal life when possible is key. Work life balance is not consistent.
Ask questions to ensure the employee’s role aligns with their strengths.
Ensure that your employees voice is heard especially during change.
Celebrate small wins.
Practice empathy
Have flexibility, give autonomy
I want to leave you with a challenge to set expectations of your team.
Clearly Define, communicate, and emphasize goals. Ask yourself, did I provide clarity, did I get buy-in and are the goals attainable.
Provide the objectives and set the expectations as early as possible and revisit them
Hold your team accountable equally and follow up
Tell stories about employee success, feedback is meaningful
Ensure that every goal is measurable